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Regulates the Private Investigative, Private Security, and Repossession Services for the State of Florida.  They have oversight over all training and testing.  The below links will provide you with all the information you'll need to register for your Private Investigators license, take the Class "C" Private Investigators examination, and purchase a practice examination from piPrep Inc. that will help you study and prepare for the actual state licensing examination. 


Shortly after placing your order you will receive an email with a link to download and/or access your test.  In most cases it's within minutes.  If you do not see your email from us within an hour, please check your SPAM folder.  If you still do not see it contact me immediately at  All orders are placed by hand, so if you place your order after 10 pm, than more than likely you won't see it until the next morning.

  • Official Florida Website

    Click HERE to be sent to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Private Investigation Licenses website.  Here you can navigate through the website to learn how to be a PI in the State of Florida.

  • Florida State Statute 493

    Click HERE to be directed to Florida State Statute 493.  Once you click on the link scroll down until you see "Laws and Regulations, Florida Statutes Chapter 493.  Click on "493" to be taken to the correct page. 


    Per the state of Florida, this is the only reference material  you'll need to study to pass the test.

  • Private Investigator Handbook

    Click HERE to be taken to the Private Investigator Handbook.  This is another F.S.S. 493 resource to use to study for the test.

  • Private Investigator, Security and Repossesion Activites, Schools (5N-1)

    Click HERE is another document that has a couple of test questions on.  The practice examination will provide you the necessary input to find those questions and answers.

  • FAQ

    Click HERE to be taken to the FAQ pamphlet.  Filled with good information on becomeing a Florida PI.

  • Commonly Asked Questions About The State Test

    Click HERE to be taken to the commonly asked question document.

  • Approved Firearms for Class "G" License Holders

    Click HERE to be taken to the approved firearms section of the website.

  • Private Investigator Reciprocity

    Click HERE to be taken to the Private Investigator Reciprocity section of the website.  It tells you which other states will allow FL PI to work cases and provides the restrictions and rules.

  • 10 Question Sample Practice Test

    Click HERE to be taken to the  10 question sample practice test for Florida.  Once at the testing page simply put in your name and click start.  The 10 are part of the full version of the Florida Practice Examiantion.  Once you're ready to purchase go to the buy now tab click on Florida to select which Florida test you want to purchase.

This practice test is a must if you want to pass the state class "C" examination the first time. Best-selling test!

I just wanted to contact you and tell you that you have another satisfied customer! I recently took my exam and passed on the first try. This is just another testament that your CBT is "on point" and for anyone who doubts passing the exam...don' will be confident that this practice test is what you need to be successful. Put in the work to study the material and take the CBT until you are tired of doing it. Then do it some more. You will walk into the exam ready.I am truly grateful for you and your team to have this tool available.  Respectfully, Ray

For more testimonials click here.

Private Investigator Practice Examinations

Alabama - Florida - Georgia - Kentucky - Louisiana - Tennessee


Savings will be taken off at time of purchase

$70.00/$35.00   $80.00/$40.00  &   $100.00/$50.00

Florida Computer Based Examination

Florida Computer Based Examination


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Florida PI Practice Examination

Florida PI Practice Examination


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Florida:  Both the Computer Based test and a Hard Copy of the test

Florida: Both the Computer Based test and a Hard Copy of the test


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