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The questions you'll see on the practice examination were developed to test your knowledge of the study material provided by your particular state agency. The questions are either true/false or multiple choice questions. Some multiple choice questions are based, like the majority of state examination, on hypothetical scenarios that you have to work through and solve to get the right answer.  These questions were developed from open source material provided by the state, along with books and manuals supplied by the state.  None of our questions were taken from the actual state examination.  Before you purchase, just know that we are not providing actual questions and answers to the test, these questions are solely written by experts in the field to mimic possible questions.  

The questions were developed in such a way as to not only test your knowledge of a particular subject or state policy, but it is intended to be a great study and reference tool to be used throughout your studies leading up to the actual state examination.  The questions were written in such a way as to enhance the learning experience and diminish some of the stress associated with finding the correct material to study. You'll learn as you take the practice test that you will retain much more knowledge than simply studying the research material supplied by the state agencies.

As an added benefit, I tried to take the guesswork out of studying. Not only do I provide the answer key at the end of each examination, but at the end of each question I supply you with the reference material location to look up the answer yourself.  This will ensure you understand the meaning behind the law, regulation or policy. This alone, will save hours off your study time. No more wasting time looking through reams of reference material, I point you right to the location so you can spend more time retaining the knowledge than looking it up.  One bit of advice however, the practice examination, in most instances, only point to one state reference.  In many instances you can find the same material in other references.    

I don't think you'll find a better and more professional product today. Most states do not sell nor offer practice examinations. 

To purchase an examination, click HERE

Questions regarding the examination can be sent to:


The questions on the practice examination are written and based on the reference material provided by each individual state.  In all instances the state websites were thoroughly researched and studied before even one question was developed.  In many instances, the state licensing bodies were contacted to ensure piPrep Inc. had all the required study material used to create the actual state examination.  Once I am convinced we have all required study material the practice questions are then developed.  The following guidelines are used at all times to create each practice examination question.    Industry accepted question writing protocols outlined in the below guidelines are used to not only develop each question, but also in developing the answer and distractors. Distractors are the three incorrect options for each question. The questions follow the below requirements:

• They must be relevant to competence, appropriate for the target candidate, unambiguous, and        free from any form of bias.

• They must be linked to the content outline and correctly referenced.

• They must be free from clues to the answers.

• Distractors must be parallel in terms of length, grammar, and complexity.

• Distractors must be plausible and should discriminate between competent and incompetent candidates., pub-0202655203179627, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Private Investigator Practice Examinations

Alabama - Florida - Georgia - Kentucky - Louisiana - Tennessee